Once again we find ourselves deep into autumn and staring winter in the face. With another fantastic year full of bent rods, big fish, incredible scenery and great comradery quickly coming to an end; we would like to take a moment and Thank You for making this one of the most outstanding seasons we’ve ever seen!
Our biggest passion is making the wants and needs of our anglers paramount and this truly is where our commitment lies. We understand that everyone that gets into our boats has different expectations and goals of what the day should, or could, bring and it’s these nuances that we strive to achieve. Whether your an avid angler looking to beat your personal best, or perhaps a rank beginner just looking to learn to bend a rod, or possibly you just want to get out on the water and see what our neck of the world has to offer, we get it… and want to help. This is why we do, what we do, everyday is a new adventure and we feel lucky and blessed to be able to facilitate and tag along as you create awe-inspiring memories that will last a lifetime. It’s a wonderfully rewarding way to make a living and we Thank each and every person that took the time to let us share in their fishing experience of a lifetime.
Enough of the melodramatics… Here’s how the 2024 season went down:
Winter was easy this year and we hardly seen any snow or deep freeze frigid weather. This kept all of our local rivers and streams in prime shape for the hardy angler, with consistent flows and hardly any huge level fluctuations. The snow pack for the province was below average and this left us with a little concern of what might happen through the summer months, however, for the time being we were glad to have amazing water conditions and quality fishing.
Sturgeon were all in their wintering holes and the fishing was fast and furious with double digit number days being the norm rather than the exception. With the fish stacked up and the proper bait and location realized, it was one of the best winter sturgeon fishing season we had seen in a few years. Most everyday double, triple and even a few quad headers were realized! Talk about mayhem…
With the weather being optimal we started our annual steelhead fishing raft excursion early and the fishing gods once again smiled upon us. Steelhead numbers were up and everyone of our raft trips produced at least one of these silver trophies. For those that fish for these elusive beauties they understand that this is a bold statement… often regarded as a “unicorn” fish one can spend days, even months just for the opportunity to wrestle a feisty steelhead. To think that we were able to bring at least one to hand on every trip definitely brings a feeling of pride and accomplishment.
Fishing for steelhead stayed good right to the end and for those looking to make things even tougher on themselves, the fly fishing was excellent through March and April. Water was prime and the fish were biting well.
During the winter months we were thrilled to announce our partnership with Fraser River Lodge, the Premier Luxury Lodge on the banks of the mighty Fraser river! This collaboration united two of the oldest and most unique companies on the Fraser River, setting a new standard for fishing expeditions in beautiful British Columbia. This enabled us to offer river front luxury accommodations not only up the Canyon at Fraser Canyon Riverside Domes, but also on the mid river around Harrison.
With the arrival of Spring we started seeing the giants waking up in the Fraser. Large robust sturgeon started shaking off their winter moodiness and began feeding well. With water levels staying lower than normal due to the below average snow pack, the freshet held off until June and the fishing was superb. Once again our first, and then a few more, 10′ plus fish came to the beach through the months of April and May. Outstanding!
April also found us once again trying our luck in one of our favorite spots on the planet, the Lillooet River. This remote fishery is not for the faint of heart as crossing the lake can be bumpy and the days are long. Wind dictates the level of the waves, which can become treacherous, and really puts a spot light on the importance of reading the weather. Fortunately we have 30 plus years of experience in this arena and all of our trips left as scheduled through the winter and early spring.
Known for its breath taking views and miles of near perfect fly and spin water, the Lilly did not disappoint. With trout stacked up in numbers, perfect water conditions and almost no fishing pressure it was an anglers dream. Bull Trout, Cutthroat and some fat Rainbows ate a well swung fly or properly worked spoon with abandon.
As we cruised into Summer and the water began to rise the Fraser Canyon began to lite up and numbers and size of sturgeon went through the roof. Known for it’s incredible high water sturgeon fishery the Fraser Canyon is an anomaly in that most in river fisheries do not fish well in high water. For the Canyon high water is what your looking for and the last week of June through to the 3rd week of July did not disappoint with outstanding number and size.
This epic fishery is one that we hold dear and once there you’ll understand why, stunning scenery, big water and the fish… oh the fish, big and bity. We specialize in the Canyon and this season saw very little traffic other then GRFA guides. Having the place primarily to ourselves it truly was majestical and guests were left awe struck on a daily basis.
Another fishery that lends itself well to high water is the Pitt River and this year was no exception. Fishing was excellent for Sea Run Bull Trout as they migrated through the freshet and some large specimens were brought to hand. As the water dropped new log jams formed and getting into the upper parts of the river became tougher and an experienced hand at the wheel was required to navigate the skinny waters. This kept many inexperienced boat operators away allowing for minimal fishing pressure.
Towards the end of July and through August our concerns turned towards warming waters. As noted the province had a lower than average snow pack and, in terms of water temperatures, this is often the kiss of death as we get into late summer. Thankfully mother nature came to the rescue and we had cooler weather which kept the water temperatures in check and kept the fishing biting into the fall. In fact, towards the end of August, during the 8th annual Jurassic Classic fund raiser, which is a 56 person, 14 boat sturgeon fishing weekend raising money and aweness for the Wild Sheep Society of BC , many records were broken including the largest fish ever taken, the most fish length taken by a single boat and the most fish over 7 feet for the entire group! Amazing!
Moving into the Fall we started seeing salmon early and in numbers. Sturgeon noticed this as well and they just love to eat salmon… the fishing for these dinosaurs remained very good and then about half way through October went to ridiculously good. Fish were abundant and just couldn’t say no to a properly presented chunk of salmon. Many of our customers took advantage of the excellent salmon fishing in the morning and then switched to epic sturgeon fishing in the afternoon. What a way to spend a day!
With all the fall runs of salmon returning in fantastic numbers, well above forecasted, the fishing for all species was glorious. The last few weeks of September and bleeding well into the middle of October found us targeting Chinook and Coho at the mouths of a few lower rivers and we had fabulous success. As the season progressed we moved up river and began to target Chum and Coho with the odd incidental Chinook thrown in for good measure. With the numbers up the action was consistent and furious. Many of our guests had never seen so many fish in one place before! Fishing remained excellent to the middle of November and some people are still out there… and getting them!
With so many salmon in the water you can imagine what that did to the sturgeon fishing… it has been over the top. With post spawning salmon dying off on mass the mighty wight sturgeon has put on his feed bag and the bite has been sublime. It has been a legendary November with many happy guests reviling in the glory and realizing hook ups in the double digits most everyday! Keep in mind it’s not too late to get out there and hit some fish, it’s been very good… info@greatriverfishing.com
2025 is promising to bring us some more outstanding fishing! With all runs of salmon forecasting higher than in decades and sturgeon numbers at the healthiest ever seen we are excited about what’s to come. Weather forecasts suggest that our snow pack will be at an optimal and if the weatherman gets it right we should see water levels at their norm. Also note that next year is a Pink Salmon run forecasted to the tune of 12.5 million fish! These feisty battlers only return every other year (2023, 2025, 2027 etc…) and are great sport on light gear and the fly. Also sturgeon absolutely love to eat them and typically the fishing is berserk for these giants from mid August to the end of September during the pink run. If your at all interested in getting on the water next season please do not hesitate to reach out, spots are already filling!! Call 1-604-792.3544 or email at info@greatriverfishing.com
From all the GRFA staff and guides, here’s wishing you and yours a joyous, pleasant and safe upcoming holiday season! Thanks again for an incredible 2024 and looking forward to seeing you in 2025!
That’s it for now. Conserve our waters and here’s to great fishing, forever…